Terms of use


Company name: MARVAN

Legal form of the company: SARL

Amount of share capital: 7. 625€.

RCS number: 439 279 654 R. C. S. Paris

Intracommunity VAT number: FR78 439 279 654

SIRET: 439 279 654 00024

Director of the publication of the website

The director of the publication is:


Creation of the website

The website was created by:


SIRET: 82194065700033

Website: marinemoceri.com

Phone: 07 82 65 70 08


The photos on this site are the work of LASNE Gilbert

The logo was designed by ZWAENEPOEL Sandra

Website hosting

The website is hosted by:

IONOS by 1&1 - IONOS SARL - B. P. 70109 - 7, place de la Gare - 57201 SARREGUEMINES CEDEX - Tél : 0970 808 911

Protection of personal data

This Site constitutes an intellectual work protected by the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code.
The Website and all the elements that make it up (such as brands, logos, photographs, texts, slogans, drawings, images, animated sequences with or without sound, as well as all intellectual works integrated into the Website) are the exclusive property of MARVAN or of third parties who have authorised MARVAN to use them. These elements are protected by national and international intellectual property law.
The reproduction of all documents published on the Website is only authorised for the exclusive purpose of information for strictly personal and private use. Any reproduction and/or representation, in whole or in part, of the Site or of any of its components, on any medium and by any means whatsoever, for other purposes, is subject to the express, written and prior authorisation of the editorial director of this Site.


The restaurant will be open all summer during the Olympic Games.

Feel free to make a reservation through our reservation page.


Le restaurant sera ouvert tout l’été durant les Jeux Olympiques.

N’hésitez pas à réserver via notre page de réservation.